
Henry Scott Tuke, The Green Waterways


This is a reproduction of “The Green Waterways” of 1926 by Henry Scott Tuke. Tuke's abiding love was the sea. He was sixty-eight years old when he created this masterpiece. He was a member of the Royal Academy having been born in 1858 York from whence he moved when he was sixteen and entered the Slade School of Art. He traveled to Italy six years later and between 1881 and 1883 he lived in Paris where he studied under Jean-Paul Laurens and met John Singer Sargent. During this time he met Oscar Wilde and John Addington Symonds. He began his painting in Cornwall in 1883 and his fame gradually grew. In 1914 he was elected to the Royal Academy of Arts having established himself as an independent artist who could afford to work in France, Italy and the West Indies. Tuke died in Falmouth, Cornwall at the age of seventy. This painting is an oil on canvas and measures 122 by 112 centimeters. It is in the Grundy Art Gallery in Blackpool, England.



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